Idriss is Clint’s best friend : when they are together, no calm neither silence : between Cowboy and Native Indian, the Far West is at home and no matter who wins : they always make peace with a good lunch ^^
He is here crocheted in 2.25 hook and measures about 29cm (app. 11.5'')
© 2017 Croc's Betty. Betty Delery - SIRET : 450 027 321 00022 - All rights reserved. This pattern is only intended for PERSONAL USE! The boss can not be wholly or partly reproduced, published (online or printed), modified or resold. You can sell the finished products, if they are made by you, and in limited quantities by filling in the name of the designer. Please add the following information to the description of the sold security blanket "This blanket is handmade by ... (your name) ... according to a pattern created by Croc's Betty / Betty Delery / www. crocsbetty.com. "