William is a fan of history and more especially of the time of the warriors, the real ones! With the history teacher, they did a show at the end of the year. The theme was : «Conquering Spain» and of course, William was one of the Visigoths, the warriors of this beautiful show!
Following the instructions and materials of this pattern, William will measure about 27cm (10.5’’). He will be a different size depending on the hook and yarns size used.
Materials needed:
- Hook size 2.25mm or 2.5mm (& 3mm)
- Tapestry needle
- Yarn for hook size 2.5mm
- Stuffing
- 2 safety Black eyes Ø 10mm
- Wire, Pins, Scissors, Pliers & Glue
- Wooden dowel or pipe cleaner for neck support
- About 20cm (16’’) of aluminum wire Ø1.5mm
Scheepjes Catona
- N°105 (Natural)
- N°162 (Dark Brown)
- N°503 (Brown)
- N°179 (Light Brown)
- N°384 (Blue)
- N°516 (Red)
Katia Gatsby
- N°20 (Gold)
(less than 14 ball of ecah color)
© 2020 Croc's Betty. Betty Delery - SIRET : 450 027 321 00022 - All rights reserved. This pattern is only intended for PERSONAL USE! The boss can not be wholly or partly reproduced, published (online or printed), modified or resold. You can sell the finished products, if they are made by you, and in limited quantities by filling in the name of the designer. Please add the following information to the description of the sold security blanket "This blanket is handmade by ... (your name) ... according to a pattern created by Croc's Betty / Betty Delery / www. crocsbetty.com. "